Sunday, July 27, 2008

To speak with someone, anyone enter ......

As Marketing Hipsters we are focused on 365 MEDIA STRATEGIES, Web 2.0, integrating widgets to social networking, harnessing new digital opportunities, the most effective Ad Words and organic search strategies BUT what about that customer trying to call today? what about the consumer, vendors,or your best evangelists, current employees who are just trying to get some help and connect with somebody, TODAY? Are they stuck in Alpha Numeric Hell AHN ? (You heard the acronym here first) Real people just trying to get through to customer service, sales support or YOU! As we look at and ponder breaking the digital divide, there are customers just trying to talk to someone TODAY. Think about it, we wouldn't be caught dead with a web site not updated since the CompuServe days ........ Using 70's technology in o8. Do you have an Alpha Numeric solution anywhere within your company? If so I guarantee you that is costing you business and frustrating customers every day. If you have a mobile phone with a QWERTY key pad interacting with an old school Alpha Numeric system is totally impossible. I had a recent ANH moment and had to text a friend for the correct corresponding buttons to an Alpha Numeric solution with my QWERTY key pad. BECK is 2 3 2 5 impossible to figure out with a QWERTY keypad as Beck is .....well it isn't. The numbers are astounding! Think about every Blackberry, iPHONE,Treo,Q,Blackjack,Sidekick ....... these users can not navigate an Alpha Numeric anything. If you are targeting upscale, professionals my hypothesis is that 80+% have a QWERTY keypad. 14.5 MILLION Smartphone handsets have been sold alone in the last 6 months. So thanks for reading and please enter the last name ...........

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