Sunday, July 27, 2008

REMAKE of the song 4 MINUTES cause all you got is 4 SECONDS

If you believe in the power of Word of Mouth then get in touch with the power of the third voice. The third voice is always firing in your target targets head, especially critical if you are targeting women as unlike Men they use both sides of their brain simultaneously. “hella” important if you are targeting Youth.
Imagine the third voice as your targets monologue to themselves about life, similar to that of the author writing in third person. The third voice can tune you in, or tune you out; it’s active all the time. On dates, with your kids, husbands, wife, Life partners, commercials and even now.
The third voice is where a lot of advertising gets off track quickly regardless of the ad spend (Refer to the previous post GM give us a BREAK from BAD CREATIVE)
Question is, are your creative’s, copywriters and planners in sync with it? If not, campaigns are destined to crash and burn regardless of the amount of money or the number of mediums you throw at it.
This is a virtual exercise to show you the power of your third voice.
4 MINUTES the remake
I want you to think about the Madonna and Justin song 4 minutes. You know the one 4 minutes?
Can you hear it? You got 4 minutes, 4 Minutes………..
If you don’t know it go here first
This is the remake, I (Chris) am going to take the place of Timberland and we are making a small change to the title of the song to 4 seconds. This version is called 4 Seconds BUT it sounds EXACTLY like 4 minutes
Why ? Cause you got just 4 seconds to engage your target or they’re gone. Being gone might be the best thing as it’s also possible to insult the IQ of your target in the first 4 seconds and creating a negative brand position or consumer perception.
(Q the song …….)
What are you gonna do with it ?
outta time and all you got is 4 seconds
(Madonna & Justin:)you only got 4 seconds, 4 seconds
that’s just 8 words, 8 words(Madonna & Justin:)
8 words Come onYeahBreak downCome on Boy
That’s it, just 4 seconds so just say the 8 words
You only got 4 seconds, 4 seconds to say the magic words
And the aint prices will never be lower
(Madonna)Tick tock tick tock tick tock
8 words(Justin:)Well don't waste timeGive me a sign(Madonna & Justin:)Time is waitingyou only got 4 seconds to get your message to the worldNo hesitatingTime in your targets head IS WASTINGYOU only got 4 seconds
(Madonna & Justin:)Tick tock tick tock tick tock Tick Tock
Tick tock tick tock tick tock Tick Tock
What are you gonna doing with your 4 seconds ?


General Motors TV, online and print creative for the week of the 4th of July 2008 boasts the copy point..... "Declare your Independence from Interest rates (aka High Prices) " Does the copywriter live in a commune in Topanga Canyon with no connection to the world? Is General Motors not closing down entire plants because consumers can't afford the GAS to fill up their GM SUV's and Pick Ups and Gas guzzling cars?

Ironically, the reason this got on my "Radar" was that the TV creative aired on the CBS morning news which was on in the background as I was getting ready and followed a news story on the closing of GM plants, the laying off of thousands and the worst sales (down 25%) in decades. My "Third Voice" (you know the one we all have in our head) actually thought it was a joke, a Saturday Night Live bit. "Who would possibly use copy for GM that the core message was your "Independence from high prices"?
Then my third voice got a grip and said " Thank god consumers are STUPID they will get totally motivated this weekend to go into the dealers and buy GM products because there is 0% Interest rates! You do know that the average consumers third voice is thinking "WOW auto dealers with 0 % interest (on cars they can't sell) this is a once in a lifetime opportunity I (stupid consumer) will NEVER see 0% interest again (until next month) I'm going to go buy a big ass SUV, Pick up and the other GM Vehicle this weekend.
This could be the worst case of Media Planning in history. Seriously, if you are planning the media for GM do you really think that buying TV NEWS is the best idea? Gas prices (Yahoo!/AP) are impacting 90% of Americans. Crashing automotive sales DOMINATE the NEWS. Airlines have media deals in place that spots must be removed immediately after any air disaster and this isn't a disaster?

Why? LAZY AD People who suffer from "Last Year Itis" This campaign was on a media promotions flowchart in September of last year, just as it has been for decades, the creative has been used for decades probably since wally Cleaver and it's just a recycled Bad Idea which has become a Horrible Idea.

This is why quarterly planning and creative review although time consuming is critical to effective advertising. Is it that Radio, and TV, and online doesn't work ? or, could it be that the creative and media plan suck and are out of touch with the specific person they are targeting?

To speak with someone, anyone enter ......

As Marketing Hipsters we are focused on 365 MEDIA STRATEGIES, Web 2.0, integrating widgets to social networking, harnessing new digital opportunities, the most effective Ad Words and organic search strategies BUT what about that customer trying to call today? what about the consumer, vendors,or your best evangelists, current employees who are just trying to get some help and connect with somebody, TODAY? Are they stuck in Alpha Numeric Hell AHN ? (You heard the acronym here first) Real people just trying to get through to customer service, sales support or YOU! As we look at and ponder breaking the digital divide, there are customers just trying to talk to someone TODAY. Think about it, we wouldn't be caught dead with a web site not updated since the CompuServe days ........ Using 70's technology in o8. Do you have an Alpha Numeric solution anywhere within your company? If so I guarantee you that is costing you business and frustrating customers every day. If you have a mobile phone with a QWERTY key pad interacting with an old school Alpha Numeric system is totally impossible. I had a recent ANH moment and had to text a friend for the correct corresponding buttons to an Alpha Numeric solution with my QWERTY key pad. BECK is 2 3 2 5 impossible to figure out with a QWERTY keypad as Beck is .....well it isn't. The numbers are astounding! Think about every Blackberry, iPHONE,Treo,Q,Blackjack,Sidekick ....... these users can not navigate an Alpha Numeric anything. If you are targeting upscale, professionals my hypothesis is that 80+% have a QWERTY keypad. 14.5 MILLION Smartphone handsets have been sold alone in the last 6 months. So thanks for reading and please enter the last name ...........