Saturday, February 20, 2010

Something to still be learned from High School?

We LOVE creative solutions and strategies so it was a simple e-mail from a high school, not a Guru's Blog Post that got us thinking .....It's clear government entities are spending far more money than we citizens and small business are able to keep giving them. It's also quite clear that the concept of cutting spending is an impossibility within the current "system" So, it's time for all levels of government to start learning to get more creative and "out-of the-box" to raise money than "Let's tax the (fill in the blank) ........"

Here's a simple but dynamic creative solution from Miramonte High School. Fund-raising meet e-bay
Note: Minimum bid $250, increase in $50 increments
Winning bids are tax deductible!
Bid today and be one of the 10 lucky winners of:
A prime parking spot and
5 reserved stadium seats on the 50 yard line at
Miramonte's 2010 Graduation
Bid by clicking GRAD 2010 PRIME PARKING/SEATING and listing your offer.

Now what if the President/Members of Congress/ Governors/Mayors started charging for their dinners, speeches, press conferences? Each having a mandatory fund-raising requirement as part of their offices, not for a party but for the people?

Come to think about it, what about monthly bidding for "President for a day" seems like that would be a creative fund-raiser and their would be a line of "bidders" ......... How much would say, Sarah Palin pay?